Port Barton

Port Barton

Monday, March 14, 2011

1 month in Thailand!

Wow Sorry It's been too long again. ANd sorry if my spelling is awful but this keyboard is not good and im typing super fast... so forgive me haha..OK Its March now and loads has happened so I have to think and consult my diary...
So I started teaching English on the first week of February.. Is that correct English? I really cant remember how to speak english properly..and i have such a weird accent coz I had  to speeak really basic english for so long and recently i've been mixing with lots of europeans so now my accent is straaaaaange.. It was sooo hard to start with... and at times throughout the whole month... At first the kids spoke literally no english! Their english teacher couldn''t really communicate with me so yeah that was hard.. When i said things like what is your name even the fourteen year olds looked so confused and didnt know what to say..Soo yes like i said it was hard coz alot of the time the teacher was translating which is pretty useless if they're gonna learn english coz they're not learning.. and ahhh yes at times it was very frustrating.. But it was fun too especially after the 2nd week... I taught the kids greetings, hobbies, the body parts, numbers, alphabet, directions and lots of things.. And i really felt they'd learnt alot by the end..
The younger students like under 12 were soo enthusiastic and cute.... It was soo much fun teaching them as long as I'd planned my lesson well.. but the older ones 13-15 were much more shy... But after a while they got used to me and really liked me.. Ahhh ok i'll tell you about a few memorable lessons... Teaching numbers 11-100 to 9 year olds.. Oh it was soo much fun.. I held like picture cards of numbers up and got them to repeat after me and they were so energetic and cute.. and really remembered well... Then i took them outside to the playing field type thing and got them to stand in a circle.. And  threw a ball to each student one at a time and shouted 1 and they had to throw it back and shout 2 etc.. They loved it.. I dont think there used to games in class.. Then coz they were so good we went back to class early and had time for another game.. Where i wrote random numbers scrambled on the blackboard.. and a boy and a girl had to come to the front..Id shout out a number and they'd have to find the number on the board and race each other to circle it first.. They were so competitive it was so funny.. And my other memorable lesson was teaching 15 year olds directions.. I taught them how to say turn left turn right go straight stop etc.. by doing the action myself and getitng them to do it too.. and then we played a game where 2 students came to the front.. and each desk had a picture of a place like supermarket, church etc.. and the students had to direct me between the tables to the place i wanted to go.. it was hilarious coz they didnt say stop in time so i walked in to some tables or they said turn right instead of left and i walked into someone.. they were hysterical. Oh and another funny game which got a bit lethal was when i taught them how to tell the time in english.. I stuck pictures of analog clocks with different times around the room... the kids worked in 3s and one was the runner.. I'd shout out a time and the runners would have to race to the right clock and grab it off the wall before anyone else did.. It was soooo funny! Ok so thats the exciting stuff that happened at the school.. On my last day i gave certificates to the best students and gave everyone sweets... Sooo on the weekends when i wasn't working some exciting stuff happened too..
I learnt to ride a moped! Or motorbike as they call it here! That was cool... So i've been riding around a bit in cambodia and laos on a moped..
I learnt to hula hoop! I hula hooped every night i was in thailand for like half an hour.. but now im getting fat again coz im not exercising..
Like i said in the other blog i learnt to use chopsticks! So Thailand has taught me alot of useful skills...
Ermm what else... I had some bad experiences with frogs.. I was in the bathroom about to take a shower.. when i noticed this gigantic frog in the water bucket.. so i tried to move the water bucket outside to pour it away when the frog leapt over my head onto the door.. I couldn't believe it could junmp so far.. it was soo scary... so I got the mum i was living with to chase it away... And the next few nights there were more giant frogs hiding in the bathroom but they were more placid thank god..
Thai food is amazing! I loveee thai food! We ate lots of times at random noodle stalls which cost like 60p for a bowl of noodles.. and they served in like immediately after we ordered.. So quick!
Ermm one weekend we went to the nearest big city Ubon Ratchathani.. We went to the university where we found out the night before a guy drove past in his car and shot 4 students dead.. So that was pretty scary.. In the evening we had pizza! Which was soo good which we ate with a knife and fork.. first time i'd used a knife and fork for months!.. And then we went to a bar where Pee Ann;s friend works.. There were 2 live bands which were cool. and the atmosphere was really nice.. And ihad some really nice wine which didn't taste like wine... Then at 12 the police came and shut down the bar because of what happened the night before.. So we were waiting outside and we got talking to the lead singer of one of the bands.. Tao.. who could speak english! Which was amazing coz virtually all the thais i met couldn speak any english.. so i was happy to make a new Thai friend who was fluent in english! and we all decided to go into the city to find some clubs.. BUt everyone we went to was being closed down by the police.. SO that sucked.. So in the end we decided to go to bed but not first without eating noodles at 3am haha.. Apparently norimal for thais after they drink... Then we stayed at Pinky's university room 4 of us squeezed into 2 single beds haha... It was fun...
The next thursday me, Pee ann, Tao and the other lead singer of the other band went to the Lao border to get my visa extension.. We visited this cool market in Lao then went back to Ubon and slept for a while... Before going to the bar again which shut down at 12 again! So I went with Tao to a party at his house which was soo much fun! There were some gay guys who were hilarious! Everyone was so drunk! One of them kept calling me girl after every word with his gay voice hahaa.. Oh and none of them could really speak english but they were all trying coz they were drun and it was hilarious.. And they couldnt pronounce my name coz They dont have l sounds or rs in theyre language i dont think so my name sounded like Caoooooooow! Haha .. And they had cake and lots of food which they were still cooking at 3am! We eventually went back to the hotel at like 4.. and i slept all day the next day haha..And didn''t sleep the next night... I remember at one random point backriding Tao on his moped going the wrong way up the dual carriageway type thing.. which was scaryyyyyy... but normal apparently.. Oh and we whizzed past a few elephants on the way..
Oo i hear a tuko.. Or gecko.. It makes a funny sound like tu ko...
Ok so on my las sunday in thailand we visited Ban Tha Klang and elephant village where humans live with elephants. its pretty cool. Theyre really well trained and there are thousands that live there i think... One lifted me up with its trunk and another walked over me that was quite cool...
OOo i can count to 100 in thai and lao! And i can speak like the basics thats another skill ive learnt!
Right so thats pretty much it for what happened in Thailand.. I'll write a blog about Cambodia and Laos later... Adios chicas... Sawadhee Ka!

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